
Welcome to the July - September, 2021 Neighbourhood Watch NT Newsletter!

The last three months have seen the introduction of our new Alice Springs initiative in partnership with Alice Springs Town Council and Victims of Crime NT. We have also been busy with Neighbourhood Watch Week events and preparing for upcoming personal safety sessions.

Check out everything that we have been up to and all that is yet to come below!

As always, if you have any queries, concerns or would just like to connect and have a chat we would love to hear from you.

Upcoming Events!

Nhulunbuy Personal Safety Workshops
Walkabout Lodge
12 Westal Street, Nhulunbuy

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th October

NHWNT Annual General Meeting
Darwin region - location to be advised
Save the date: Monday, 29th November


New Alice Springs Community Safety Initiative

On Monday 4th October, Neighbourhood Watch NT, in partnership with Alice Springs Town Council (ASTC) and Victims of Crime NT (VoCNT), launched a new community safety initiative to help Alice Springs residents to be and feel safer.

The My Home My Town initiative includes a series of free personal safety sessions for Alice Springs residents, free Home Security Assessments and an Alice Springs specific community safety campaign.

Personal Safety Sessions

We will be running a total of six personal safety sessions in Alice Springs from October 2021 - April 2022. These sessions are fun, interactive and you will learn practical strategies and information to support your safety in a range of situations.

Home Security Assessments

Victims of Crime NT (VoCNT) will be offering FREE Home Security Assessments with a free gift. VoCNT will visit you at home and talk about your security concerns and personal safety habits. You will receive a report with advice and recommendations to improve your security.

Community Safety Campaign

We have launched an Alice Springs specific campaign to encourage community connection and safety. This is currently airing across social media and television!

For more information about upcoming sessions and to book a home security assessment visit the Alice Springs Town Council website.

Neighbourhood Watch Week

Neighbourhood Watch Week 2021 ran from Saturday, 2nd October - Sunday 10th October. Neighbourhood Watch Week promotes the benefits of community connection and provides opportunities for people to connect with their community.

We held a series of events across the NT during Neighbourhood Watch Week. Events included a lunch in Darwin for our volunteer members, a coffee catch-up in Alice Springs, a shopping centre stall in Katherine, a community Zumba session in Alice Springs and a community BBQ at the Palmerston Water Park.

Alice Springs Personal Safety Sessions

With the launch of the My Home My Town initiative, on Tuesday 5th October and Wednesday 6th October we held a senior's and community personal safety session.

These sessions were in partnership with Alice Springs Town Council and Victims of Crime NT. Session participants walked away with increased confidence, increased personal safety knowledge and an increase in practical safety strategies.

We are excited to continue offering these sessions in Alice Springs through the My Home My Town initiative. Sessions will run under this initiative until April 2022. Keep an eye out for upcoming dates!
Northern Personal Safety Sessions

In August we ran two Community Personal Safety Sessions in the Malak and Litchfield areas.

These sessions were in partnership with Victims of Crime NT and help the participants to be and feel safer.

Thank you to Ngaree Ah-Kit for sponsoring the Malak/Karama session and to the Coomalie Council for sponsoring the Litchfield session.

Nhulunbuy Personal Safety Sessions

On Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th we will be holding free Personal Safety Workshops at the Walkabout Lodge from 5:00pm - 8:30pm.

Join Neighbourhood  Watch NT, Victims of Crime NT and Personal Protection Strategies to increase your confidence, improve your security knowledge and learn practical strategies to protect your personal safety.
Darwin Personal Safety Sessions

As part of our Community Benefit Fund, we will be running two Personal Safety Session in the Darwin/ Palmerston region soon!

Keep an eye on your emails and our social media for details about these sessions.

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